What’s New?


Threading a Needle On the Site

Before construction can begin in earnest on the site, first the team must establish connections to utilities like water and sewer, as well as figure out where all utility lines are located so we don't accidentally disrupt during the building process.


Central Park Elementary

Over the course of the last month, the 3rd grade students of Central Park Elementary brainstormed, designed, and created a wide variety of exciting exhibit prototypes.


A Groundbreaking Without Shovels?

On April 16th, 2014, we held our ?shovel-free? groundbreaking ceremony.  The decision to make the groundbreaking ?shovel-free? was, in part, due to the fact that dirt work had already begun on the site.  We also didn?t feel the traditional groundbreaking ceremony was a good fit for us.  We wanted to do something unique, and most importantly, something FUN!  Instead of shovels, community members staked the site with lightning bolts called Zings, symbolizing the sparking of ideas that brought this project to fruition.
