Open today from 10 am - 5 pm.
Members FREE | Kids under 2 years FREE | Adults & Kids age 2 and older $14
Mini Camps are a shorter version of Amazeum week-long camps but with the same level of fun and adventure! Explore a new theme during each Mini Camp.
Price: $75 for Amazeum members // $85 for nonmembers
Financial aid available, please apply here.
Have some questions about camps at the Scott Family Amazeum? Be sure to read through our Frequently Asked Questions document. If you still have questions, please email Natalie at, or call her at 479-696-9280 ext. 253.
Please note: If a Mini Camp day falls on a potential snow make-up day and your child's school needs to be in session as a snow make-up day, you will receive a refund of your camp registration fee.