Creative Studio

The Amazeum Creative Studio for Creative Innovation is where innovative ideas become reality.

Inside the Studio the Amazeum team collaborates with like-minded makers, artists, craftspeople and diverse creatives from across the country to explore the infinite possibilities of creativity applied to materials, technologies, and techniques. These collaborations result in experiences at the intersections of the arts and sciences that invite users to physically explore, actively question, and playfully share the experience with others. 

"Our Creative Studio is at the core of who we are." - Sam Dean, Amazeum executive director

The Amazeum Studio for Creative Innovation is an engine for invention and experimentation in the realm of interactive cross-disciplinary installations.


Concept > Design > Prototype > Experience

The 3,000 sq. ft. fabrication space not only supports the operations of the museum, but also actively explore new ideas and ways of engaging the public in support of creativity. 

Inside the Studio, the Amazeum team of professional makers works together and collaborates with diverse creatives to design, develop and prototype temporary and permanent interactive experiences that intersect science, technology, engineering, art and math and creativity. Examples of these collaborations can be found inside and outside the Amazeum making experiences accessible. 

Creative Studio

Two Makers Welding Metal For a Project

Shot Of Maker Lab With Saw Drill And Other Woodworking Equipment

Person With Red Hair Standing In Front Of LED Mirror

Three Makers Looking At Something On A Laptop