Teen Sticker Design Contest Winner: Madi Drymon

June 21, 2023

To celebrate our 8th Birthday, the Scott Family Amazeum had an open call to teens ages 12-19 with a passion for creativity and curiosity.

We wanted a special birthday sticker that we could share far and wide by working with young and up and coming artists. The winner of this contest will have their sticker printed and sold as a featured spotlight in our museum store, receive a $100 cash prize, and meet our team's production artist Christine Pendry to learn tips and tricks of professional design.

We are so happy to announce the winner of this contest to be the very talented, Madi Drymon! Meet Madi and learn about how her sticker came to be:


What’s your name?

Madi Drymon.

How old are you and what grade are you in?

12, going into 7th grade.

What are some of your hobbies?

Drawing, Taekwondo, Girl Scouts, Theater, Crafting.

How did you hear about this contest?

Through my school librarian.

How do you know the Amazeum?

We have visited too many times to count! This is the best place for kids in Northwest Arkansas to explore and tinker. I really enjoy the Girl Scout nights at the Amazeum.

How long have you been an artist?

12 years.

What's your favorite art skill?

Watercolor, pen, and marker, just starting to use digital art programs.

What inspired your design?

I wanted to incorporate all of the parts of the Amazeum with the moving parts and exhibits. 

How do you feel about your design?

I really love all the colors and the way that I interpreted the elements of the Amazeum.

What was your experience like working with the Amazeum team?

I appreciated the feedback they gave me about my design. I tried to take what they suggest to heart to improve my design. I think it's even better than my original submission after I made the changes they suggested.

What did you talk about with Christine Pendry (The Amazeum's Production Artist)?

We talked about improvements to my design like cleaning up the line work and removing the logos. I then went and figured out how to symbolize the areas of the Amazeum without using the NICK and Walmart logos. Some of my original artwork was overcomplicated, once I simplified it I was able to incorporate more parts of the Amazeum. I also made the lines cleaner and the colors more vibrant with alcohol markers and brush markers.

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