Educators at Play

February 9, 2022


Professional development is critical to improvement, but too often PD (educators’ love acronyms) isn’t all that engaging, exciting, or educational. And rarely does it give educators the opportunity to put themselves in their students’ mindset and discover, wonder, explore and question like kids. Educators Educator Night Out (ENO) at the Scott Family Amazeum offers educators a PD experience that is uniquely fun, informational and educational.

Educators enjoyed a night of wacky creations, experiences, and learning from their peers all while earning professional development credit. Professional development is necessary to learn new skills and plan out new goals for your position. Visiting the Amazeum on ENO is a unique opportunity to gain this through entertaining experiences that will enrich your night and your viewpoint on education. We believe learning should be interactive, hands-on, minds-engaged and fun, and this night is a great way to see that in action!ENO 2022

Educators also got a nice surprise. They were able to check out our new traveling exhibit Math Moves! Experiencing Ratio and Proportion a few days before it was open to the public. They danced, morphed and explored the new Amazeum exhibit all while learning more about proportion and ratio. Playing like kids inspires educators to think like kids and develop lessons that activate learning with hands-on activities... All of our exhibits were open to educators and a relaxing weaving station was even set up in our Nickelodeon Play Lab for a break from all the action. ENO also allows educators to experience the Amazeum without students so they can know what to expect and experience it themselves first. It’s a nice chance to get an idea of what our Unfield Trips are like and how much fun they can be with a class.

We love being able to host this event for not only teachers but all those in the education community. It is a great opportunity to network, learn, and enjoy a night off with your peers. ENO is an event hosted at the Amazeum for educators in our diverse Northwest Arkansas community. But it’s not the only interactive PD opportunity at the Amazeum. For information on PD for educators, tap here.

We believe in the importance of supporting educators in their personal and professional lives, especially in these tough times. We hope everyone left the night with a sense of excitement and plans for putting new ideas into practice.

Educators Educator Night Out and other professional development opportunities at the Amazeum are supported by a grant from the Walmart Foundation. We appreciate their continued support for improving educational outcomes for students by creating access to innovative learning for educators.