Central Park Elementary
The Amazeum is all about encouraging creativity, cultivating curiosity, and building community. One way we are doing this, even in this pre-opening stage, is by partnering with local schools to encourage project-based learning opportunities for their students.
In April, we went out to Central Park Elementary in Bentonville and spent some time with all seven of their 3rd grade classes. We highlighted the Amazeum project and shared with them some insights about the exhibit development process. We explained that exhibits normally start with a cool idea or question. Then we get creative and brainstorm ways to make that idea bigger or wackier, or combine it with another idea to make something new. After multiple rounds of designing, testing, and reworking, fantastic exhibits are born.
After explaining the process and showing off a couple of neat demonstrations, we issued a challenge to the students: turn your own idea or question into an exhibit. Immediately the students began brainstorming and discussing their ideas with great enthusiasm! Over the course of the last month, the 3rd grade students of Central Park Elementary brainstormed, designed, and created a wide variety of exciting exhibit prototypes.
On May 20th, the Amazeum team headed back out to the school to see what the children had dreamed up. The 3rd grade classroom set up a Showcase in the cafeteria featuring their exhibit ideas. We were dazzled and delighted by the creativity, passion, and teamwork that the students brought to the table. They put together a collection of exhibits ideas that I am sure will knock your socks off, as they did ours!
Chocolate Lava Volcano
Rubber Band Sound Box
Lava Lamps
Marble Art
Roller Coasters
Chemical Reactions

Spring Shoes